Mira Joyce

i do everything. i'm working on something new.
you can find my work everywhere.

i'm currently based in NYC.
i don't know what my email is either.

january 16 2025

there’s something about this moment that i just can’t put my finger on
it’s like
it’s vaguely familiar
but not quite

memory flows through all the glimpses
every single glimpse
it’s awe, it’s mystery, it’s stillness, it’s everything
it’s pure, it’s perception

it’s acknowledging and accepting at the edge of understanding

“i believe you should take all of the elements and let them show you the way
so i definitely would not want to read the meaning of my life”

it’s all a dream and it’s everything
everything is everything and everything is also nothing but nothing is everything and it's endlessly infinitely collapsing into itself recursively while expanding and multiplying at a pace far beyond the speed of light
every moment that has ever happened and will ever happen is happening right now all at the same time and will continue to do so forever

it’s pure energy, it’s Love
Love isn’t oxytocin or infatuation it’s a layer of reality that’s always there
Love is the light energy of the sun

Love interacts with reality in the form of abstraction
it’s always so perfect together
nothing is ephemeral, everything is and has and will be
everything is analogous, analogies are a zone where communication and understanding flourishes
the grey area of implicit to explicit is pure beauty, Love
if you’re too abstract you’ll lose your voice, and if not you compromise depth
this beautiful endless dance of Love

language is how it reaches us
without it, everything is incomprehensible
light can’t shine without the sun

ambiguity isn’t necessary but it’s essential
it’s the catalyst of the essence of magic
that thing that you can’t put your finger on
but that you need to know
it’s awe, it’s entrancing
it’s incomprehensibly vast, it’s infinitesimal, it’s supermassive
it’s the sun, the beautiful gigantic cinema above us

it’s this shared hunger for meaning, but not in a cynical or desperate way
this quiet electric yearning, this intimate collective weight we’re all holding together
of course there’s a shadow but there’s an unspoken acceptance of it, levitating with it
it’s the universal symbol, it’s on the edge of being understood
communication despite barriers, energy through stone
it’s resonance, it’s divinely connected imagination

sometimes it feels like we’re growing beyond the need for written language
there’s this incredible depth and sensitivity in the simplicity
especially in the current moment that is, was, and has been

there’s this song Luv (Exit) by Lb Honne with this sample over an ambient minimal deep house beat, i haven’t been able to find the source despite endless searching
it’s a recording of a person talking about the Soul
and this quote —

and so
not everyone is in connection with the soul
most people are actually not
they are touched but they don’t know it
they don’t understand it because it cannot be grabbed, right?
this is why when you ask a person, “what is the soul?”
they say “yeah…”
they cannot know it
you cannot know it by your mind
you have to be touched by it
and you have to want it even if you don’t know it

so very important to remember
what we can touch is not what touches us
but what we cannot touch is what touches us the deepest

i don’t know a lot about spirituality
i don’t know a lot about life, to be honest
i hadn’t felt what it was like to know Myself until a few years ago
i hadn’t felt what it was like to know Love until a few years ago
and you learn these things, these incredibly small things, these supermassive things, incrementally over time, whether it’s emotional or academic
i don’t want to be wise in an academic sense
there are a million things i actively avoid understanding, completely benign things, for no reason other than preservation of my naivete
the phrase “childlike wonder” has this stigma, but that’s it, but it’s also not it because of the stigma
naivete is what sparks awe, it’s angels, it’s ambiguity, it’s abstraction, it’s Love

it’s laser focus while maintaining an immense peripheral
the ability to collage energy, to perceive things in the world by the energy they hold and connect them together in a completely unique way
Burial went godmode with this on Boy Sent From Above, like, all of these glimpses of completely individual things coming together into something so intense, and it just makes sense
it goes beyond written language
or maybe it doesn’t, and maybe that articulation is just something i don’t know, you know? it’s all paradoxical
but i believe it goes beyond

i think a lot about Dune but i have absolutely no idea how to articulate how it’s impacted me
i think a lot about memetics and symbolism
like, the semiotics of an Image, a symbol, a sound, the qualia we encounter by Experiencing
beyond an inside joke, beyond a safe word
i think about these things so much, like, it’s my job as a graphic designer. my desire to make the most compelling and resonant Image, the perfect Image, and I have to sit in this abstraction layer, ruminate in it, Dream, to translate emotion and vision into Image

this energy has become more apparent in recent years as a reaction to AI generated media
it can’t create resonance on its own
signal pierces through noise more loudly lately
i think a lot about Arrival and its use of nonlinear orthography
i think a lot about perceiving things through a sacramental and gnostic lens simultaneously
everything is both real and illusory concurrently, but it’s hard to dream within the real

mystery is everything
and by writing this…. well, you know
i’d rather not explain what i mean
embrace Love